Monday 12 August 2013

4. Comparison is our own worst enemy.

With all of the social media around today, it is so easy to scroll through your Face Book, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr newsfeed and immerse yourself in other people's lives.
Instead of creating our own stories, and actively participating in life, many of us rather (unconsciously) choose to sit on the couch and watch the Kardashians, the Snookis, the Made in Chelseas do amazing, crazy, outrageous, sometimes cringe worthy things. We watch them make good choices and stupid mistakes, and involve ourselves in their lives through television instead of doing these things, and benefiting from the experiences, ourselves.

Now, what this also opens up is a whole can of 'comparison' worms. Scrolling through all the different types of media newsfeeds, it's very easy to get carried away in other people's lives. Seeing a picture of a girl you think is just gorgeous, seeing the amazing travel photographs of people you went to school with, hearing about a great new job a relative got, a raging party you missed out on, a once in a lifetime travel opportunity your friend was given.... All the while comparing yourself and your life to that person. Sometimes your subconscious does it, and sometimes it is much more apparent.

Do you ever leave your computer, or your Face Book app, feeling a little empty or just plain defeated? That could be a warning sign that you are being sucked in by it all.

Regardless of what people post on Face Book (or other social media) you have to remember that 99% of people ONLY POST THE GOOD THINGS in their life. And, the 1% that rants on about the bad is just plain annoying!
We never know what goes on behind closed doors (or in this case, computer screens) so comparing your life to your friend/relative's online persona will not do you any just.

The only person worth comparing yourself to is you, yesterday. Are you better today? Have you done one thing to make yourself a better human being today? Are you better than you were yesterday? How have you improved?

You are the only one you should be in competition with. Each person on this Earth has a different story, a different set of circumstances. Comparing yourself to someone else is void. You can only be compared to yourself, because you are entirely UNIQUE, special, and different to every other person out there. If you are upset because someone else is achieving what you want to, you know what? Tough luck. You are the ONLY person that can make your dreams come true. Combining hard work, determination and dedication will get you where you need to be.
And you know what? Watching other people on television live their lives in outrageous ways is certainly not going to get you anywhere. That hour spent on the couch could have put you an hour in the direction of your goal.

Don't get me wrong, I am definitely a sucker of the 'love to hate' reality television and have (numerous times) spent many Sundays watching back to back episodes. But at the end of it all, I sigh, and realize that although I just watched these human beings achieve amazing things, I am still in exactly the same place - on the couch, in my pajamas, with chocolate on my face.

If you want to compare yourself to anyone, compare yourself to you. You, and only you are control where you end up in life. There are definitely times where it may seem that everything is out of your control, but how you react is one thing that can never be taken away from you.

Work hard to achieve your dreams, and soon you will have something cool to post on Face Book too.

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