Monday 5 August 2013

3. Integrity. 

I sincerely love this saying. I stumbled across it last night, and have decided to really make a conscious effort to live this way everyday. It's so easy to get stuck into gossip and rumors, especially if you or someone you care about was personally involved in the situation at hand - I know I am definitely guilty of this!

As tempting as it is, and as temporarily gratifying as it sometimes can be to say something mean about someone behind their back, or go along with a rumor, we need to really work hard to understand that actually, each person has their reason for acting how they did. Everyone has a story, and this is sometimes the hardest thing to understand. As easy as it is to forget about others, and focus on our own life journey, we need to pay attention to the fact that each person we meet could be facing a harder battle.

I'm not saying be best friends with the person who slept with your boyfriend, I am saying take a breath, a step back, and assess the situation for what it is. I know you're hurting, but look at it from the outside - Is it really her fault? Did your partner not make the conscious decision to be part of it too? It's much easier to blame acts like this on the 'interfering' side, but in reality, it takes two to tango. It might help to make you feel better to slander names against her, and maybe some of them might be fitting, but does that help the situation? What lesson can you get out of this? Is it perhaps the universe telling you he's not 'the one'??......
At the end of it all, do you want to be seen on the same level? Or do you want to be seen as the one with integrity and class? If it must be said, take your pillow and hash it out in private.

One of the greater lessons in is one of karma; Your words are bodyless actions. What you tell yourself, and say to others, manifests into true form. Would you want someone to say those things about you?

Each day, try to make a conscious decision to become a better person. Anything makes a difference to your aura, be it simply saying 'hello' to the cashier and asking them about their day, leaving your small change in a donation box, really listening to a friend having a problem (not just pretending to!) or sincerely thanking someone for something they have done for you.

Your life is your legacy. How you are remembered will be reflected in your actions, your words uttered, how you make others feel, and your thoughts provoked. Make sure your legacy is one worth speaking about in an inspirational, motivational and passionate way.

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